Thursday, June 11, 2015

Touring Kennebunkport

Monday began with a gathering of the membership for a breakfast buffet in the main dining room of both hotels.  The food was wonderful and the company was even better!

Mr. Peter Brown, Maine Pine Tree As, was our host.  What a delightful and funny presentation he made.  We received a wonderful education on the language of "Mainiacs."  Of course, we didn't want to stick out like sore thumbs, so it will be lobstah or spiders as the locals say, and clam chowdah to mention a couple.

After breakfast, we were off on our adventure of the day.  We started out by adding another member to our group.  So, we are now John and Happy Begg, Danny and Cheryl Austin, John and Twila Cockerill, Tom and Sherry Mack, Mike and Stephanie Petty, and Mr. John Leydon.

Our drive started with a scenic coastline drive past the home of the George and Barbara Bush out on Walker's Point.  270˚ views of beautiful Atlantic ocean and Maine coastline - what a sight to wake up to each day!

Then we were off to the Seashore Trolley Museum.  Such a fun place for all who love trolleys.  The history of the trolleys was quite interesting.  I was surprised to learn that the trolley companies ran the lines 7 days a week.  Sunday was a very slow day, so the companies built parks and the trolleys would circle the parks, let passengers on and off at the parks to enjoy picnics and other leisurely activities.  These were the beginnings of our amusements parks of today.  Several 6 Flag Amusement parks got their beginnings from these trolley parks.

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